Jessica Raistrick, LCSW, crafted INNER TRUTH CONSULTING to offer a variety of therapeutic services in her innovative, empowering approach. Through her directly inquisitive style of communication, Jessica performs positive modeling for her clients. And it’s this distinctive style that differentiates her therapeutic services. Examples of such services include business and entrepreneurial coaching and consulting, leadership assessment and support, individual therapy, couples and family therapy.
SPECIALTIES: entrepreneurial consulting and coaching, positive modeling, eating disorders, treating anxiety, depression, stress management, young adult counseling, motivational interviewing, co-parenting, parent coaching
Business Coaching & Consulting
Jessica assesses and helps determine structural shifts to cultivate leadership and collaborate to drive momentum and achieve desired results. The idea is to guide industry leaders as they determine their organizational structure, solidify strong, operational leadership, and work through boundaries in work dynamics skillfully. When business leaders devote attention to these critical areas and run their businesses from a place that is grounded, rooted in authenticity, and truly embody’s their brand’s mission and ideals, they excel. This innovative model of consulting has moved the dial for many.
Individual Therapy & Counseling
Learn the skills and tools to effectively work through anxieties and fears of making changes in different areas of life. This is about learning not only to cope, but to thrive. Jessica’s approach is based on compassion, awareness, and positivity. The goal is not to keep people dependent on therapy; in fact, the opposite is true. As a professional licensed clinician, Jessica feels it is her obligation to educate, inform, and empower clients to live their best possible lives. Hence, this is done by sharing the practices and tools that allow individuals to manage anxiety and stress to face fears and achieve their dreams.
Parent, Family, & Couples Guidance
Parent, Family, and Couples work provides guidance and support services to ensure parents and family members are heard, empowered, and supported. Going through adolescent behavioral issues, eating disorders, divorce, can all be challenging. Jessica guides others through effective communication skills and healthy boundaries toward positive, harmonious relationships. The unique way she helps parents is to teach them how to listen effectively and ensure they are able to co-parent in a compassionate and caring way. Getting along after divorce to parent as a unit is a difficult task.